Located south of Paris since 2010, Nanomakers is a worldwide reference in nano-silicon powder production to be used as active material in high energy density anodes for Li-ion batteries. Nano-silicon offers the ability to use silicon’s high energy density combined with an engineered structure at the nanoscale level to accommodate silicon’s volume change during cycling.

With a first production unit of 40tons annual capacity established since 2020 and plenty of space available for additional lines, Nanomakers demonstrates the ability to produce its nano-silicon in large volumes.

Nanomaker’s nano-silicon exhibits unique properties compared to alternative solutions available on the market:

  • First, the unique production process of Nanomakers (patented process with an exclusive license granted to Nanomakers) enables the production of nano-silicon exhibiting a very narrow particle size distribution, and a high purity, two important features for anode active materials. Sizes can precisely be fine-tuned from 40nm to 100nm diameter.
  • Secondly, Nanomakers has the ability to synthetize its nano-silicon with a 2nm thick extra layer containing carbon on top of its silicon core. This unique structure offers improved electrical conductivity, and improved interaction with the electrolyte, the binder or the carbon matrix in which it is incorporated. This translates in better cycling performances at the cell level compared to pure silicon particles.

These combined unique properties make Nanomakers’ nano-silicon a reference material available on the market for direct incorporation in anode formulations or for the development of Silicon/carbon composites.


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Product NameProduct DescriptionCurrent Volume2025 Volume2030 VolumePicture
NMSiΩC99Carbon coated Silicon nanopowders. Available primary particle size: 40nm, 75nm, 100nm.40tons annual capacity
NMSi99Silicon nanopowders. Available primary particle size: 40nm, 75nm, 100nm.40tons annual capacity


Site location

1 rue de Clairefontaine, 78120 Rambouillet (Plant, HQ and R&D)