Pack Assembly

E-MERSIV is a manufacturer of high-performance battery packs incorporating innovative and extremely efficient cooling technology (immersion cooling technology).

E-MERSIV batteries can meet the most extreme technical requirements.

The cooling efficiency of E-MERSIV batteries enables them to be charged very quickly (less than 10 minutes), to deliver extreme power and to be 100% safe.

With iso-performance, E-MERSIV technology reduces the size of the battery and therefore its cost and environmental impact.

E-MERSIV batteries can be used in any type of vehicles. In 2023 E-MERSIV targets construction equipments, aeronautics, premium cars and has several projects under its portfolio.

The various projects have a common denominator: Customer’s desire to overcome the barriers associated with the purchase of an electric vehicle by integrating a powerful, safe and fast charge battery.

E-MERSIV plans to penetrate other markets in the short term and is already in advanced discussions with a number of manufacturers in the marine and rail markets.


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Product NameProduct DescriptionCurrent Volume2025 Volume2030 VolumePicture
PUREPURE is a modular design meant to be integrated into various types of evsprototypes1-10 MWh/year1GWh/year

Site location

6 Avenue de la Grande Lande, 33170 GRADIGNAN (HQ/Labs), Battery Pak tests – In operation

35 allée de Mégevie, 33170, GRADIGNAN (Plant/R&D), Battery packs design and related R&D activities – In operation